Electrolyte Analyzer

Measurement of electrolyte levels in blood

Direct method

Mode for measuring dialysate fluid concentration

Direct aspiration from sampling nozzles

Use of own-developed electrodes

The electrodes can be selected from 8 combinations.
① Na+, K+ ② Na+, K+, Cl ③ Na+, K+, Ca2+ ④ Na+, K+, pH ⑤ Na+, K+, Cl, Ca2+
⑥ Na+, K+, Cl, pH ⑦ Na+, K+, Cl, pH ⑧ Na+, K+, Cl, Ca2+
*Temperature control unit is required for pH parameters.

Each sample is measured in approximately 35 seconds.
*Without temperature control unit.

Automatic calibration once a day (every 24 hours) enables accurate measurements.

Measurement samples are Whole blood, Serum, Plasma, Diluted Urine, Hemo-Dialysis Solution A (Acid Concentrates), Solution B (Bicarbonate), Solution A+B

A barcode reader (optional) can also be connected.
*Online communication to the inspection system is possible by linking ID and measurement results.

It is equipped with a color LCD screen.