1. Liquid Based Cytology

WisePrep Duet is a Cell Processor that performs Liquid-based Cytology.
After Cell Preserve Vials are inserted, the device automatically smears cells.
WisePrep Duet uses specially designed Cell Preserve Vials, Membrane Guide,
and Membrane to perform simple smearing process.
Running a smearing process with WisePrep Duet offers evenly spread out,
single-layered smear, which helps decrease examination failure rates.
- Throughput up to 240 samples per hour
- Adjustable 2 steps vacuum suction provides optimal smear quality
- All parameters for Gyn., Body Fluid, Urine, FNA, Sputum, etc. can be saved separately
- Very Simple Preparation, Very Convenient & Clean Operation
- Automatic sample dispensing on to membrane
- Free from contamination
2. Formapad (Designed for formalin absorption while grossing)

This product is ideal for smaller biopsy specimens as it features a dark contrast background.
Another popular feature is its permeable, non-woven blue laminate material which serves as an excellent work surface.
Pads absorb formalin and glutaraldehyde, as well as neutralize hazardous vapors.